Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

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Bahasa Inggris
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Sebelum Pembenahan

My Rabbit
My rabbit name is Tam-tam. Tam-tam have fur which soft as cotton. The color fur is black and white, and the fur always clean. My rabbit head also cute. My rabbit have a eye beautiful. Eye color shine brown. My rabbit nose and mouth a very small.
She bunny behaviour is funny, often jump if i am coming, and if stomach satisfied, she will sleep supine.
Food favored my rabbit is carrot and mustard. My rabbit most do not like hit.

Sesudah Pembenahan

   My Rabbit
My rabbit name is Tam-tam. Tam-tam has fur which is soft as cotton. The colors of fur are black and white, and the fur is always clean. My rabbit`s head is cute. My rabbit has beautiful eyes. Eyes color is shining brown. My rabbit`s nose and mouth are very small.
Behaviour`s was funny, she often jump when i am coming, and she is full. She will sleep in supine.
Her favourite foods are carrot and mustard. My rabbit doesnt like to be hit.

Nama            :    Yasmin
Kelas             :    VII B
No.              :    33’

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Hai Sobat Bloggerrr.....???!!!
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